Saved By Grace Through Faith
What does saved by grace mean?

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WARNING: Google have made things so difficult with their email service that not even Microsoft Windows Live Mail works with Gmail anymore. And older email servers will no longer work with Gmail addresses either. So if you use Gmail, please understand that you will be missing emails. And this includes me, so please do not use a Gmail address or I will not receive your email. I have no intention of changing this just because they want to make things so hard. I suggest using a different service as Google is no longer a reliable service. Also, please ensure that your email address is valid as an auto response is sent, which will also result in your email being rejected if it is incorrect. We appreciate your feedback and are happy to discuss subjects with those with different viewpoints in a humble Christ like manner, but regret we will not respond to those whose only intention is to try and force their viewpoint or criticize. We also regret that there is no point in us responding to those who would just insist the Ten Commandments of God are gone.
Please feel free to give us your thoughts or ask any questions. We would also be grateful for any bug reports and grammatical errors. We would also appreciate it very much if you told your friends and family about this website so this truth can be shared with as many people as possible. No email addresses are collected so privacy is assured. Thank you. Use the Tell a Friend link to share this information with others.
Please Note: Due to the impact these websites are having on the world, the satanic attacks have this family struggling without a wife and mother that we love and miss dearly and insufficient funds. This is also due to an ongoing infection of Lyme disease since 2007 that had me bed ridden for the first year with a 57lb (26kg) weight loss. There are 130 domains with a total yearly count of over 3,000,000 visits. Fighting Lyme is expensive as is the cost of maintaining these sites. We desperately require prayer and support to keep this family together and Lyme from winning. Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your prayers and support. Total support this week: $0.00
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Passage Verse
Ephesians 2:8-9 “For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.”